Select the account you wish to setup with AuthSMTP from the left hand pane of the Accounts window.Load Microsoft Outlook 2011 on your Apple Mac computer.Give colleagues more insight into your availability by setting Working Elsewhere as your calendar status for events or appointments. Outlook includes MailTips, which help you avoid common, but potentially costly or embarrassing, mistakes. We have instructions for both default SMTP port and alternate SMTP port configurations - alternate port is generally used if your ISP blocks the normal port 25 SMTP access (as many do these days!). Snooze notifications in Outlook for Mac with the Do not disturb feature.These instructions are only for Microsoft Outlook 2011 for Apple Mac OS X - for other email programs please see How To Setup AuthSMTP or contact us.Only change the items specified - you should not need to change either your email address, POP3 server, POP3 username / password.Take a note of any settings you change.These instructions assume your email account has already been setup and is collecting email correctly.First you need to make sure the email address(es) you will be sending from have been authorised for your account in our Control Panel. I recently had issues with mac outlook 2011 trying to connect to settings both inbound and outbound.Microsoft Outlook 2011 for Apple Mac OS X - Alternate Port - Setup Guide Important Points